Short : HD-Installer for American Gladiators V0.9 (26-Nov-1998) Type : game/patch Author : Bored Seal ( This patch applies to "American Gladiators" by GameTek/Imagitec Design (c) 1991 - 3 disks. Slave requires WHDLOAD (at least V7.0) for run. Game requires 0.5 MB Chip Mem (+ 1.8 other memory for preload option) FEATURES: - Full loading from HD - NI/MWB icon (created by JHZ, ripped by Midwik) - Skip intro option (set CUSTOM1=1 for skip, CUSTOM1=0 for intro) - Quit option (your default key) - Fixed 2x access faults in Powerball - No need of joystick in port 0 anymore Note: Diskimages are cutted for low memory consumation. Funny - game could be on 2 disks if authors were smart enough to pack the intro (or they could remove it for good ;). I could make a file ripper, if there will be any requests. I bet you will appreciate skip intro option. Intro cannot be skipped originally and you must watch whole slideshow - stupid idea. Menu was using joysticks in both ports, this is now fixed. Decruncher is slowest I ever seen, but it's created by ugly way, so I'm not able to move it in Fast RAM. I can't understand why they used RNC loader without RNC packer. I also haven't found any disk protection. Well, you can see I'm enough tired of American Gladiators ;). Bugs: - corrupted parts of gfx in Eliminator. I think it's 'coz corrupted data, I haven't found any illegal blitter operations. Please, report me if you have uncorrupted version. Thanks to Chris Vella for disk images and betatesting. Enjoy another boring sport game on your hd. ;) Bored Seal Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: